Cologne is not only known for its beautiful, eccentric and colorful CSD, but also for its large LGBTQ community. If you feel like cruising in a special way in the city on the Rhine, you can visit one of Best Gay Sauna In Germany three well-known saunas. Whether Sauna Vulcanusthe Babylon Cologne bathhouse or the Phoenix Sauna : it certainly won't be boring here. Each gay sauna in Cologne is characterized by a very special flair. From "cozy" to "modern", everything is represented here. In addition, some additional offers, such as massages, provide even more variety. One thing is certain: if you're in the mood for a very special cruising adventure, it's hard to get past the corresponding offers in Cologne. If you want to try your luck in a sauna that, among other things, is particularly often visited by "bears" and that exudes a cozy yet sexy charm, you are in good hands in the Vulcanus sauna. The rustic ambience creates a very special atmosphere. Here you will usually meet experienced gays who know exactly what they want. Especially here, however, this does not always mean that it is "only" about sex. Many visitors appreciate the fact that the guests here often feel like talking to each other Among other things, a generously designed outdoor area awaits visitors to the Cologne bathhouse. Especially in good weather, it's a great place to hang out before it gets hot inside - literally. Unlike the Vulcanus sauna, the average crowd here tends to be young. If you're looking for twinks, you're sure to find them here. The Phoenix Sauna is characterized by a spacious design and appropriately laid out cruising areas. At the same time, you will also find one or two retreats from which you Best Gay Sauna In Germany watch the action from a distance. Of course, the gay saunas in Cologne have also realized that nowadays it takes more than classic cruising to stand out from the crowd of competitors. Therefore, you can often also book massages and co. Note, however, that you should block the corresponding dates in advance, because the gay saunas in Cologne - especially on weekends - are often very busy. The well-known gay saunas in Cologne live not only from a convincing offer, but of course also from the openness of their visitors. Cologne gays love their city and often exude a flair - also in the context of theme parties, for example - that makes both experienced gays and newcomers feel at home. Due to the convenient location of the three saunas, you should have no problems reaching them by public transport if you so choose. After all, the bars often offer delicious cocktails, so it would be idle to worry about the question "How do I get home? Always popular is also the gay sauna in Kriens. Password forgotten. Randy clears up! Loading Map. FriesenstrasseCologne, Germany. Best Gay Sauna In Germany sauna in Cologne everything at a glance Cologne is not only known for its beautiful, eccentric and colorful CSD, but also for its large LGBTQ community. From "cozy" to "modern If you want to try your luck in a sauna that, among other things, is particularly often visited by "bears" and that exudes a cozy yet sexy charm, you are in good hands in the Vulcanus sauna. Additional offers for the "perfect" relaxation Of course, the gay saunas in Cologne have also realized that nowadays it takes more than classic cruising to stand out from the crowd of competitors. Central and close to the scene - gay saunas in Cologne and their advantages The well-known gay saunas in Cologne live not only from a convincing offer, but of course also from the openness of their visitors. The registration is free and obliges you to nothing! Choose your username Enter your valid email address here. Choose your password Enter your date of birth here Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year Location Germany Austria Switzerland ZIP CODE Location I am 18 years or older and I accept the planet-randy. Log in Nickname Password Password forgotten.
Andere Daten werden automatisch oder nach Ihrer Einwilligung beim Besuch der Website durch unsere IT- Systeme erfasst. SSL- bzw. On the ground floor, a bar with large sofas, where you can eat b Solange noch nicht feststeht, wessen Interessen überwiegen, haben Sie das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Mehr anzeigen.
From "cozy" to "modern
Achilleus Men's Spa & Sauna ist Nürnbergs Gaysauna in stilvollem Ambiente. Mit viel Liebe zum. Top Saunas · Labirinttu's Club 24h · Hispalis · Wild Thermas Club · Hotels · Saunas · Going Out · Spartacus Service · Gay Travel Index. Popular gay Saunawerk has all the facilities - Finnish sauna, steam room, maze, Hammam, whirlpool, waterfall, smoking area, TV lounge, bar, etc. Die Gay Sauna in Frankfurt am Main mit allem was das schwule und bisexuelle männliche Herz begehrt. Schwimmbad neben Whirlpool, Aroma Dampfbad, Hamam mit. Nürnbergs Sauna und Wellnessoase für Gays & weltoffene Männer.It's large, has a swimming pool area with a whirlpool, a hammam , dry-sauna, steam room, lovely terrace to cool off on. Massage service, free internet available. Wir danken unseren Partnern:. We had a lot of fun lots of different types of guys to play with. Each gay sauna in Cologne is characterized by a very special flair. Always popular is also the gay sauna in Kriens. Werde Mitglied und nutze die Möglichkeit, deine Reise in einer Community von 1 Million Mitgliedern zu veröffentlichen. Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugriff ist erforderlich, um Nutzerprofile zu erstellen, um Werbung zu versenden oder um den Nutzer auf einer Website oder über mehrere Websites hinweg zu ähnlichen Marketingzwecken zu verfolgen. Haftung für Links: Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Websites Dritter, auf deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. The most visited gay bathhouses in Europe! Um diesem Motto treu zu bleiben, ist der Montag dann auch, nach langen zähen Verhandlungen mit dem Chef, zum einem sogenannten BI- Tag erkoren worden. Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Wenn Sie einen Widerspruch nach Art. Das es Leute gibt, die etwas gegen das Rauchen haben ist auch normal, dafür gibt es eine hervorragende Luftreinigungsanlage, die dann auch gleich noch andere Schadstoffe, Vieren aus der Luft entfernt. The bar is a cool place to make new friends in a manly atmosphere. Feiere mit uns ins neue Jahr! Definitely coming again. Big sauna I went there Wednesday afternoon. Wofür nutzen wir Ihre Daten? Among other things, a generously designed outdoor area awaits visitors to the Cologne bathhouse. Check In Check Out. Herzlich Willkommen bei ACHILLEUS. Saunawerk Seit ca. Wenn Sie ein berechtigtes Löschersuchen geltend machen oder eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung widerrufen, werden Ihre Daten gelöscht, sofern wir keine anderen rechtlich zulässigen Gründe für die Speicherung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten haben z. Die XL Sauna Lounge in Saarbrücken, Deutschland, nur wenige Kilometer von Sarreguemines und Lothringen entfernt, ist die wichtigste Schwulensauna in der Grenzregion zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland. Zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen — insbesondere Aufbewahrungsfristen — bleiben unberührt. Wir freuen uns sehr auf Eueren ersten oder nächsten Besuch. Zum Luft schnappen, abkühlen oder rauchen ist auf der Dachterrasse genügend Platz. Featured Hotels. While Wednesday mostly was visited by older men, Friday was packed with tons of hot, playful and sexy guys. Das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung besteht in folgenden Fällen: Wenn Sie die Richtigkeit Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten bestreiten, benötigen wir in der Regel Zeit, um dies zu überprüfen. Sei es allein, in trauter Zweisamkeit, oder als Gruppe, es findet sich immer das passende, für den Mann- die Männer. Insbesondere werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. The location is really amazing, the indoor pool and the sauna are also relaxing- if your hunt is not successful :- the place is very clean and well maintained.