The document provides a list of bars, restaurants, clubs and other places in Prague that the author Till Gartner has visited or wants to visit. It includes the names, addresses, phone numbers and brief descriptions of over 50 locations. For many of the places, Till provides his own comments and reviews based on his experiences there. The listings cover a wide range of cuisine, atmospheres and price points to suit different tastes in the city. Read less. Download now Downloaded 19 times. More Related Content. Praha Places 1. Tomase Prag Till Gartner Duplex Mostly Czechs. There are tables for about people and a small bar. Service is very friendly, only some cold food. Website: www. Sehr Gay Center Hotel Heaven Praha 2 Tschechien Drinks — auch der Caipi, der in Prag selten so ist wie in München hier ist er so. Till Gartner Prague. Other services, such as catering, are also available. Catch full moon parties, vernisages, and more. The location really looks like on the pics. But one would expect that on a Sat evening is a bars prime time — so having half of the tables empty is a bad sign. And it kills the atmosphere. The interior now includes gold bar fittings, seating with a built-in aquarium and pop-art wall decorations, creating a perfect cocktail bar atmosphere. There are many colorful new cocktails and special drinks on the menu, four kinds of beer on tap, a completely new action-themed food menu and many other regular items, including excellent Musetti coffee. There's also a newly installed projection TV screen. With good music, chic staff and a great atmosphere there are so many reasons to come and try it out! Private parties and company banquets are also possible. Till Gartner Barock Parizska 24, Prague, 8. A large, stylish space with a slick steel bar, cut-glass chandeliers and floor-to-ceiling windows, the walls are dotted with moody pics of pouting Czech models and that beauty next to you with the Whiskey Sour might well be one of them. Owned by Tommy Sjoo and Nils Jebens who run the trendy Kampa Park restaurant on the river. But did they mean Baroque? Tendenz langweilig. A bit expensive for Prague standard. If you are in Prague and you want to rub shoulders with the hip and the chic, the cool and the proud, you can't do better than to mix with this crowd. Frisch restauriert, interessantes Design. Stock mit kleinem Balkon. Hapu Orlicka 8 Prague 3-Zizkov Tel. Eschewing the obvious spots in the center, they selected tiny, down-at-the-heels Hapu as the Best place to wet your whistle. What few seats there are fill up quickly, but the well-made drinks make up for any lack of elbow room.
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