Welcome to Queer YMR! Queer YMR steht für Diversität, Zusammenhalt und Gemeinschaft an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und darüber hinaus. Wir stehen für Solidarität und Gemeinsinn - unabhängig von körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderungen, Alter und allen anderen Merkmalen. Als Referat des StuKo Studierendenkonvent sehen wir es als unsere Aufgabe, zentrale Anlaufstelle für diejenigen zu sein, die Ausgrenzung erfahren müssen. Bei Problemen stehen wir an Bauhaus Uni Gay Party Seite und dank unseres Netzwerkes können wir Diskriminierung entschlossen entgegentreten. Möchtest du mehr über queere Themen erfahren oder einfach nur in ungezwungener Atmosphäre eine schöne Zeit mit anderen Menschen verbringen, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Sprechstunde: nach Anmeldung E-Mail: queerymr m Queer YMR stands for diversity, solidarity, and Bauhaus Uni Gay Party at the Bauhaus-University Weimar and beyond. We stand for solidarity and togetherness - regardless of physical or mental disabilities, age, or any other attributes. We support everybody's right to be who they are. As a part of the StuKo Studierendenkonventwe see it as our duty to be a central point of contact for all those who experience marginalisation. If there is a problem, we will assist you, and thanks to our network we can face discrimination head-on. We regularly organise events, like the QueerLaden biweekly evening meetupdiscussions about queer subjects gender-mainstreaming; fairly gendered language; etc. If you want to know more about queer subjects or just hang out with other people in a casual setting, then you're in the right place! Contact: Office Hours: with appointment only Email: queerymr m Zum Inhalt springen. Haus der Studierenden Alle MBeiträge Was ist die m18? Queer YMR Welcome to Queer YMR! Referate des StuKo Bauhaus Internationals Digitale Infrastruktur Finanzen Haus Infrastruktur Hochschulpolitik Initiativenkoordination Kulturförderung Kulturveranstaltungen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Politische Bildung Regenbogen Übersicht Referate Referate Intern Geschäftsführung Kostenrückerstattung Webmail Cloud. Links Bauhaus Internationals bauhaus. Lucia Verlag Marke. Meta Registrieren Anmelden Feed der Einträge Kommentare-Feed WordPress. Proudly powered by WordPress.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Erste "Campus Pride Week" an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - gay-club-parade.gay Magazin come by if you need someone to talk to, want to hang out, plan a event, see. Gay Health Chat Beratung für schwule Männer: kompetent • kostenlos • anonym (Deutsch) Counselling for gay men: competent • free of charge • anonymous (English). - QueerYMR open meetings in every friday in maschinenraum. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - ICI BerlinThe events on the topics of diversity and anti-discrimination at universities took place partly online and partly in-person at the universities in Thuringia. Living Positive with HIV: Information for Migrants and Refugees. You can find the »BBQ« podcast on many major streaming platforms and via Instagram. Franziska Kosian will add a local perspective to these contributions and talk about her experiences working at the Queer Center Erfurt. Berliner Gazette. University of Chicago.
Queer-feministisches DJ-Kollektivs »Metaware« tritt auf
This evening we will discuss potentials of a gay and queer history as well as the situation of the LGBTQ community in the United States and here in Erfurt. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies · GOETHE-INSTITUT · Graduiertenkolleg Past Events · Video · Series · Accessibility · Newsletter · People · Staff. come by if you need someone to talk to, want to hang out, plan a event, see. Gay Health Chat Beratung für schwule Männer: kompetent • kostenlos • anonym (Deutsch) Counselling for gay men: competent • free of charge • anonymous (English). - QueerYMR open meetings in every friday in maschinenraum.University of Warwick. Worlding Public Cultures. Für die deutschsprachige Version des Newsletters, bitte hier klicken. IWWIT, Deutsche Aidshilfe e. Kunsthaus Dahlem. Graphik: Wikimedia Commons. Here you can find a short mins talk by Professor Sheila L. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. The guidelines are subject to continuous further development. It is aimed particularly at staff of Thuringian universities. Heartstopper is based on the graphic novel series of the same name by author Alice Oseman , who also wrote the screenplay for the series. ERC MaDAf. Bremen: Trans Recht e. Dock This evening we will discuss potentials of a gay and queer history as well as the situation of the LGBTQ community in the United States and here in Erfurt. The American Academy in Berlin. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung TU Berlin. Jan van Eyck Academie. Tags: Thuringia weltoffen, Diversity. Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. The diverse program invites guests to deal with the complex lived realities of queer people, offers opportunities for exchange and encounters, and provides spaces for networking and strengthening the queer communities. Further information on the event can be found here. The workshop will also provide participants with opportunities for deep exchange, self-reflection and self-experience, inviting them to weave robust relationships and networks. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Newsletter Diversity and Equal Opportunity. You can download a preview in PDF format here. But Nick, the star rugby player at Truham Grammar School for Boys, seems more interested in girls. Peter Szondi-Institut. Furthermore, they discussed how Thuringian universities can be made inclusive and diversity-friendly as common places of learning, research and work. ZMO — Zentrum Moderner Orient. From the internship, I expect to can gain valuable practical experience of which I can take advantage in my career going forward, and I hope to be able to gain an insight into equality-focused work. Frankreichzentrum FU Berlin.