How should I imagine that? Do you eat with knife and fork? Laughs Of course not. During the love game, in which excrement and urine play a role, it just happens that you take bites of the shit in your mouth and eat it. The excitement comes from playing with shit. Feel it on your skin, your face, your hands… The smell is kind of secondary. Besides, not every turd stinks. And in combination with this special moment, the smell can also Deutsche Gay Scat Boys on powerfully. How old were you when you noticed that excrement excites you sexually? I was in my late twenties, which was irritating at first, I refused to believe it. But little by little, I finally accepted it. At 36, I wrote my report. Now, if someone took a shit in your bathroom, would it excite you? No, absolutely not. I like young hetero dudes, little stoners and skateboarders who are about Their excrement is my big desire. In the past, some have visited me and left their brown gold. Some even send photos. From other people I find it disgusting to even begin to think about taking their shit in hand. From the very beginning you took photos of yourself that put you in connection with excrement. Is it fun for you to show yourself like this? In the last 11 years quite a few have been taken. The photos excite me a lot. That is simply me. I have also produced some short clipsthat show me eating shit. You can watch them on ThisVid somewhere. My own favourite photos are those where I present myself with poop. The King of the fucking boy turds, you know! Are you always on drugs when you devote yourself to your fetish? But amphetamine, for example, is known to provide additional stimulation, which results in a greater pleasure gain. Playing with shit, your own or from a young guy, is like a kind of drug. This complete devotion is intoxication enough, it can be done without drugs. But I only indulge my fetish four Deutsche Gay Scat Boys five times a year. What do your friends or family say about you being so open about it? They accept it. I also have no problem if my colleagues know about it. I am always germ-free and absolutely clean when I leave the house. I am also at home — almost always laughs. Not much. But of course I think about it a lot. Or when I see a cute boy on the subway, I like to imagine what it would be like to enjoy his body excretions. Boys are simply divine.
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