Zum Inhalt springen. News Ticker Magazin Audio Account. The WWF is the most powerful environmental organization in the world and campaigns internationally on issues such as saving tigers and rain forests. But a closer look at its work leads to a sobering conclusion: Many of its activities benefit industry more than the environment or endangered species. Von Jens Glüsing und Nils Klawitter Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. The United Nations on Tuesday revealed that the majority of those massacred on Friday in the Syrian town of Houla were executed by regime-allied forces, whereupon France and Germany expelled the Syrian ambassadors from their capitals. German commentators say that it is time for the international community to take action. Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. With at least dead, including dozens of children, the weekend massacre in the Syrian village of Houla could go down in history alongside such brutal post-World War II massacres as My Lai and Srebrenica. In Syria, it will likely trigger a new wave of violence and reprisals. Von Ulrike Putz Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. The Eurovision Song Contest has a massive gay following. But homophobia is rife in this year's host country, Azerbaijan, where gays and lesbians have to keep a low profile and fear violent attacks. Even so, locals say that gay Eurovision fans traveling to Baku needn't fear for their safety -- because the regime doesn't want any trouble. Von Annette Langer Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. NATO has announced concrete plans for withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan by the end ofa decision that leaders called both "irreversible" and "responsible. They question whether Afghan forces can maintain control. A visit to Ismailia, the small city on the Suez Canal where the movement began, provides an insight into the Islamists' goals. Von Alexander Smoltczyk Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. NATO leaders gathered in Chicago are faced with an ever-worsening conundrum: How Free Gay Movies Afghanisch they cut military expenditures while at the same time boosting the alliance's military capabilities? The answer is called "Smart Defense," and critics worry it could result in the weakening of the alliance. Von Sebastian Fischer und Matthias Gebauer Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. For the first time in the history of the Cannes Film Festival, a distribution firm has asked for a fee from journalists who want to interview Hollywood celebrities. Many journalists are eschewing the offer of a minute interview with Brad Pitt for 2, euros, arguing it would set a dangerous precedent. With the German army pulling out of Afghanistan inhundreds of Afghan workers fear they will become victims of revenge by the Taliban, who have already condemned them as traitors. German authorities are already preparing for Free Gay Movies Afghanisch wave of visa applications. Von Matthias Gebauer und Shoib Najafizada Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. Germany may be Europe's driving force in the euro crisis, but a prominent US think tank has accused the country of shirking its defense duties. In a report released ahead of the NATO summit in Chicago, a group of experts criticizes Germany for threatening the future of the whole alliance through its weakness. Von Gregor Peter Schmitz Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. Ahead of the NATO summit in Chicago, Germany's standing in the alliance has reached a low point. The country's abstention in the UN vote on military action in Libya has done lasting damage to its reputation. The Germans are now seen as unreliable partners who don't know what they want. Von Ulrike Demmer und Christoph Schult Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. The cost of modernizing US nuclear weapons, including those stationed in Germany, has risen sharply, according to estimates. The project will also upset Russia, they say. Von Markus Becker Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. Cologne-based rapper Najafi has drawn the wrath of Shiite Muslims after publishing a song that appeared to make fun of the 10th imam. Now he Free Gay Movies Afghanisch under police protection but insists he will keep making music. By SPIEGEL Staff Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. When President Viktor Yanukovych assumed Ukraine's top office, he pledged to battle corruption. Now Ukrainians suspect he is abusing his position to profit himself, family and friends. They operate a network of successful firms, while the purchase of his luxury residence has been skillfully obfuscated. Von Benjamin Bidder Zur Merkliste hinzufügen.
The Building committee is in session and has not yet pledged funding to secure the project. Achtung Berlin Filmfestivals. Von Sebastian Fischer und Matthias Gebauer Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. Brockett, Jack Darsteller , Lockhart, Sean Paul Darsteller, Regisseur Rated: Ages 12 and over Format: DVD. Wednesday PM, Roter Salon an der Volksbühne.
Page F. D. E. HOMMAGE À. AU CINÉMA AFGHAN / DAS AFGHANISCHE KINO / TO AFGHAN CINEMA. Saxony, whose central goal is. Ziel der Reihe ist eine verstärkte Implementierung von Gender und Queer. Gay Guide Berlin. Studien in die verschiedenen Forschungs- und Lehrcanones und eine breite und innovative. Présenté au. the Queer Movie Award of Lower Saxony nominated mo- vies are shown. Queer Calendar of Berlin. This award by the Queer Network of Lower. FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU FILM DE FRIBOURG. Alle queeren, schwulen und lesbischen Termine Berlins.Saturday PM, Maxim Gorki Theater. Von Sebastian Fischer und Matthias Gebauer Zur Merkliste hinzufügen. Was gut dargestellt wird ist das Erleben eines Soldaten, der aus einem Kriegsgebiet nach Hause kehrt. They question whether Afghan forces can maintain control. Artistic exploration of the topic of breast cancer. Wednesday PM, Wabe. Andrew comes off as a really nice guy and Chris's own inherent sense of decency and his new relationship with Andrew both emotional and sexual serves as a blockade to fulfilling his latest mission. To say any more would be giving too much away. Friday PM, Spinnboden, Lesbenarchiv und Bibliothek. Dokumentübersetzung Deutsch. Then Tyler shows up with the same body--Did they clone them? Wednesday PM, Moviemento. ST, Regie: Zacharias Mavroeidis. Germany may be Europe's driving force in the euro crisis, but a prominent US think tank has accused the country of shirking its defense duties. Über Google Übersetzer. Big dilemma: What is Chris to do next--besides having sex with Andrew? Rachel Alig. Islamist extremists have gained the upper hand in northern Mali and now control Timbuktu. Entertaining, exciting and loads of bare skin. April Amazon Payment Methods. Dieser Browser unterstützt keine Spracheingabe. Thursday PM, fire of love. Guess what! The only bright spot is the dope dealer who is so bad and so over-the-top you think it is a drag-queen send-up gone wild. In an interview, he explains his new vision for a sustainable world -- and how the pope can help.