Your purchase has been completed. Your documents are now available to view. Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Purchase chapter. Cite this Share this. Showing a limited preview of this publication:. Cite this chapter. MLA APA Harvard Chicago Vancouver. Schmidt, Gary. German Pop Literature: A Companionedited by Margaret McCarthy, Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter,pp. Schmidt, G. Fear of the Queer? McCarthy Ed. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter. In: McCarthy, M. German Pop Literature: A Companion. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, Schmidt G. In: McCarthy M ed. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter; Copied to clipboard. Copy to clipboard. Download: BibTeX EndNote RIS. Share this chapter. Supplementary Materials. Please login or register with De Gruyter to order this product. Register Log in. German Pop Literature. Chapters in this book 16 Frontmatter. Table of Gay Boys Timmy & Micky Elements Of Life. Section 1: Historical Roots and Official Stories. An Alternative History of Pop. Section 2: Alternative Voices and Vantage Points. Pop-Cultural Camera Interventions: Kanak TV. Section 3: Pop and Gender. Generation Golf Meets Zonenkinder: Gender, N ostalgia and the Berlin Republic. Section 4: Pop in the New Millennium. Pop vs. Plagiarism: Popliterary Intertextuality, Author Performance and the Disappearance of Originality in Helene Hegemann. Pop Literature: A Bibliography. Enter the discount code at the checkout before the offer ends on 24 December:. Downloaded on
Nur für neue Abonnenten. Guided Tour Love at First Fight! German Pop Literature: A Companion , edited by Margaret McCarthy, Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, , pp. November A free guided tour of the exhibition Aufarbeiten: Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents in the Name of Emancipation in German sign more. May Katrin Köppert presents her study "Queer Pain", which deals with the photographs of Albrecht Becker, pain and body modification.
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Sehen Sie sich das Profil von. Senior Consultant bei ONE ESTATE GROUP · Berufserfahrung: ONE ESTATE GROUP · Standort: Berlin · Kontakte auf LinkedIn. Just as. Our findings support the notion that attitudes toward lesbians, gay men, bisexual women, and bisexual men are related but distinct constructs. Discussion and tour with a focus on male-male and gay sex work in the exhibition “With Legs Wide Open: A Whore Ride more · guided tour. On another level they demonstrate the illusoriness of such identities and their dependence on disavowing the heterosexual male's phallic ambivalence. With Legs Wide Open.Guided Tour Encantadas guided tour in German Haben Sie einen Rabattcode? You can register more. We offer a free guided tour of the exhibition "Strategies of Resilience - Insights into the life of Eberhardt Brucks" with curator more. February The event is unfortunately cancelled. He could be anywhere; the other side of the world or just across town. September A performance from the Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer festival about disability perspectives. A discussion that aims to explore the connections between masculinity and national identity in the 21st century. A free guided tour through the exhibition Love at First Fight! Our extremely popular exhibition about the legendary gay film Anders als die Andern is coming to an end — and it happens to be more. A free guided tour of the exhibition Aufarbeiten: Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents in the Name of Emancipation in German spoken more. June Karol Radziszewski presents his Queer Archives Institute at Schwules Museum — and explores new perspectives on queer memories in Eastern and Middle more. January This lecture by Max Appenroth deals with specific risks for trans male people in relation to their sexual health. May Katrin Köppert presents her study "Queer Pain", which deals with the photographs of Albrecht Becker, pain and body modification. April Nur für neue Abonnenten. December A free audio tour on the history of sex workers. Event Historical Citizenship for Sexworkers! A free guided tour of Karol Radziszewski: Queer Archives Institute in German. Opening Vernissage: lieben. Section 1: Historical Roots and Official Stories. March Lecture, screening, and conversation with Gay Museum research trainee Thao Ho and director Thuy Trang Nguyen on accessibility of archives, alternative memory more. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, A creative, queer-theory workshop, aimed at queer BIPOC. May A free guided tour of Objects of Desire with curators in English. Guided Tour Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer guided tour in GSL September A free guided tour through the exhibhition Photography as a Way of Life in German Sign Language. September A treasure chest of queer memories from Eastern Europe. Event Free entrance on Museumssonntag 4. A free guided tour through the "Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer" exhibition in German Sign Language, without spoken language. February We invite all porn film lovers to a collective screening and the discussion of old gay and queer porn movies on VHS more. Queer movements in Germany since Stonewall Tour in May An evening of performances in the context of "Objects of Desire".