Come by and have a look! Or else, check out the list of new arrivals from May Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record. The semester has wrapped up and we are looking forward to Commencement next week. If you have a free moment, come and browse the New Books display shelves at FAL. Below, you will also find the list of new arrivals from April Spring colors are Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie up in our New Books display area! Come and browse the titles, or check the list of new arrivals from March below. Happy Spring! We recently moved our New Books display shelves across from the circulation desk at FAL, so that you can more easily find our newly received titles. Come and browse the new books or peruse the list of new arrivals from February below. They are listed alphabetically by author Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record. Happy browsing! The Fine Arts Library received more than titles over the course of January They are listed below, alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record. Of course, if you have questions about any of these titles, send your inquiries to falibref fas. Here is the list of new titles for Decemberarranged alphabetically by author or editor. If a book is checked out with a dummy due date, e. You can still request any of these items and our colleagues in Information and Technical Services or Access Services will track the book down for you. Fine Arts Library Collections. Search for:. Aalders, Steven, Jan Andriesse, Emily Ansenk, et al. Jan Roeland : Een hommage. HOLLIS Abrams, Nora Burnett, curator. Ryan Mcginley : the kids were alright. New York : Skira Rizzoli Publications, HOLLIS Aceves, Gustavo, artist. Gustavo Aceves : lapidarium. Roma : Palombi editori, []. HOLLIS Acidini, Cristina and Alessandra Griffo, eds. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, []. HOLLIS Adami, Valerio, artist. Valerio Adami : metafisiche e metamorfosi. HOLLIS Addison, Laura M. Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, HOLLIS Adler, Dan, et al. Liz Magor. Hamburg : Kunstverein in Hamburg, c HOLLIS Affentranger, Angelika, et al. Bilbao : Guggenheim, []. HOLLIS Agiuoni, Enzo, ed.
Bibliographie in: Gartenkunst im Spielfilm Kalliope ist ein Verbund für die Erschließung von Archiv- und archivähnlichen Beständen und nationales Nachweisinstrument für Nachlässe und Autographen. This interdisciplinary thesis is the first dedicated study of German Jewish patronage of French Impressionist and post-impressionist art in Wilhelmine Germany. Autorenregister: Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (NAWG)HOLLIS Dertinger, Richard and Wolfgang Hansmann. Qing hua cang zhen, han mo dan qing : Qing hua da xue yi shu bo wu guan cang pin zhan. In: Fabula 35 Flitsch, Mareile: Rez. Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, , oil, Fogg Museum, Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge, M. Cler, Ignaz Heinrich von [vermutlich] 1. Die Deutschen und ihr Wald,
Chapters in this book (45)
Now that the semester is over, we've taken down the course reserves and given the New Books display a bit more room to spread out. This interdisciplinary thesis is the first dedicated study of German Jewish patronage of French Impressionist and post-impressionist art in Wilhelmine Germany. Kalliope ist ein Verbund für die Erschließung von Archiv- und archivähnlichen Beständen und nationales Nachweisinstrument für Nachlässe und Autographen. Ewers () Hans-Heino Ewers: „Kinder der Natur, Kinder Gottes Gay and Lesbian History from to the Pre- sent. New York Mills.Lygia Pape : a multitude of forms. Tobias Natter and Julius S ch oep s ed s. Aalaii, Mansoureh. Suffice to note here that Germans and German Jews of the affluent, liberal and educated middle classes shared many realms of cultural and social identities. HOLLIS Di Resta, Sara, author. Introduction After having looked at the avant-garde world o f Paris around , it is essential to address the politicised culture of Wilhelmine Germany around Furthermore, his privileged position enabled him to become a significant art collector and a freelance writer, contributing to several art journals, magazines and catalogues. Y ale U niversity Press, HOLLIS Guo li li shi bo wu guan. In: Fabula 25 Engster, Hermann: Rez. Brandes, Georg Friedrich 1. Sinus node disease and arrhythmias in the long-term follow-up of former professional cyclists. Jorrit Tornquist : colore sempre. The examination of liberal forces in the art world is crucial in order to illustrate that German Jewish patrons were not the only ones who welcomed French and German modernist art. Stent implantation and balloon angioplasty for treatment of brach pulmonary artery stenosis in children. That many Germans jo in and fo llo w them is not surprising. Arzt, Michael. Dominique de 1. Edouard Manet, Rue Mosnier, Paris, , oil, Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California, USA. HOLLIS Ayres, Sara and Elettra Carbone, eds. HOLLIS Creper, Paolo, Fred Licht, and Alessandra Limetti. See M offett, M eier Graefe as Art C ritic, p. Navigating Spaces of the Possible: In Vivo Genotype-Phenotype Maps of Gene Regulation. Subjects African Studies American Studies Ancient Near East and Egypt Art History Asian Studies Biblical Studies Biology Book History and Cartography Classical Studies Education History Human Rights and Humanitarian Law International Law International Relations Jewish Studies Languages and Linguistics Life Sciences Literature and Cultural Studies Media Studies Middle East and Islamic Studies Musicology Philosophy Religious Studies Slavic and Eurasian Studies Social Sciences Theology and World Christianity. Anatomy review and angiographic findings of Heubner's artery. CHAPTER V 1.