Yes, when you first started dating, everything was sexy, just looking at your boyfriend made you want to rip his clothes off and have him right there and then. No one knows exactly why — perhaps you become too comfortable with each other, you become too secure in your relationship and the knowledge that you can have sex whenever you want actually leads to a lack of sex, or at least adventurous sex, which is actually kind of paradoxical if you think about it. Well, whichever the reason, the lesson we must all remember at all times is that, in a relationship, you have to work at keeping the fires of passion and adventure alive. So, what can you do to improve your sex life? Stay tuned and find out. Even straight couples have discovered the benefits of bringing sex toys into the boudoir, and we all know that when it comes to sex, gays are always ahead of the straights. So, even if the levels of pleasure are at a satisfactory level, introducing some pleasure enhancers is never a bad idea. There is a huge number of toys you can play with that will make sex an unforgettable experience, such as a prostate massagera butt plug and a cock ring these are plain amazing. Fantasies are a healthy for a relationship, and in addition to that, if you go along with one or all of them, you might find unknown levels of pleasure. You may actually discover that you enjoy being tied up or are aroused by a certain fetish or role play that never crossed your mind before. Sometimes the sheer anticipation of a touch is enough to get you going. Sometimes there is nothing better than delayed gratification. Peter Minkoff is a gay travel and lifestyle writer. Besides writing, he worked as a travel journalist for many publications in Australia and the UK. Follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter for more tips. Peter Minkoff ist ein schwuler Reise- und Lifestyle-Autor. Folge Peter auf Facebook und Twitter für weitere Tipps. No matter which city, country or continent you are in: in a gay sauna every gay man feels right at home. Most of the gay saunas in the world are similar: There is usually at least one dry sauna, and most of the time you will find a steam room, a hot tub, a bar lounge, a cruising area and often screens that show pornos. In terms of size and cleanliness, there are differences. As a matter of fact each one was pretty clean. Nonetheless, some gay saunas are more beautiful than others. Therefore, I would like to present some of the best international gay saunas in my blog post today:. Probably the biggest and most beautiful gay sauna I have ever visited is the Babylon Sauna in Bangkok. Immediately after entering the visitor is in a true wellness paradise. Everything is clean, there is a feel-good atmosphere — and the noise of the Thai city seems very far away. Boy Gay Sex Storys Deutsch Blogs addition to the usual facilities the Babylon sauna has a large swimming pool, an excellent restaurant, several bars, a top-equipped gym and not only you can get a massage: even a hairdresser offers hiss services. My favorite sauna is in the Netherlands. Not in the popular gay metropolis Amsterdambut in the enchanting Enschede. The city is located directly behind the German-Dutch border and is a popular destination for shopping on Saturdays. In the beautiful ambience you can relax wonderfully. I particularly like the pool area, whose roof can be opened in summer, so that visitors can relax in the open air in the Jacuzzi. Highly recommended is the restaurant Boy Gay Sex Storys Deutsch Blogs a small but delicious menu. The staff is super friendly. By the way, you also find a club in the sauna complex, so that on weekends you can switch directly from the gay sauna to the club. In Barcelonathere are a variety of gay saunas. Due to their individual flair and the clientele I like the sauna Nova Bruc best in the city. It is especially popular with gay bears, their admirers and older men. Your are reminded of that at the cash register.
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