My Master is a stickler for details. The lists and schedules that now define my life reinforce this, and that he is in total control of me: mind, body, and spirit. From our first encounter there was no doubt who was in charge. During initial discussions, he was very careful to allow me enough leeway to ascertain that I was committed to the choice I was about to make, but the contract that I would eventually sign would be ironclad, literally, and there would be no returning to my previous station once the document was signed. There were three meetings planned. The first was in his living room, our initial face-to-face encounter after weeks of communication by e-mail. My first sight of him put me at ease. He offered me water, nothing else. We sat opposite each other on a large, soft sofa. We were both cautious, but both equally sure of speech. He had many questions regarding my current situation and how I would be properly taking care of what he called loose ends. The details of my servitude I would learn later, but there were three elements that were nonnegotiable… 1. I would be kept in naked bondage at all times, and 3. The arrangement would be permanent! There were no pretenses, there was no physical contact; we talked only, and I was allowed to say anything and ask any questions. After a couple of hours of talking, we set the date of the next encounter, and I left, letting myself out. The second meeting would be in his dungeon. I would be allowed to see my future quarters, to view the bondage and training equipment, to study the contract I would be signing and, once again, to ask questions and clear up any doubts I had. We lived in the same town. I had ridden the bus to the nearest stop, a few blocks from his house. I knew he was the one and I was ready to begin my slavery journey, but there was much work and introspection to Gay Gedemütigt Extrem Tumblr done. I would learn more as time passed of his thoroughness, his caution, and his dogged attention to endless details. His attitude toward my bondage was simple - once in, never out. We were both serious about this. I even fantasized the collar or cuffs being welded or riveted into place. The bondage we were considering was permanent and we must both be very sure of our commitment. And so, during our second encounter, although. I was required to strip before entering the dungeon, there was no physical contact between us. The dungeon was in his basement. Simple wooden stairs led down from his kitchen. I followed him as directed. We reached the bottom stair and stepped onto a concrete floor. The basement was typical looking, long and narrow, a laundry area off to one side, numerous shelving units containing household supplies, tools, At the other end of the lengthy, rectangular room there was a large padlocked wooden door. Master stood to one side and had me stand and face the door. To this point he had not spoken. I would see the door again for the last time on my third visit, at my incarceration. What lay behind the door would become my world, my existence. Beside the door was a small table where I was instructed to leave my clothes. Master Rick stood patiently and watched as I removed my shirt, trousers, underwear, shoes and socks, and placed them neatly on the table. The floor was cold to my bare feet. My nakedness made the door seem Gay Gedemütigt Extrem Tumblr. A simple cloth hood was placed over my head but left loose around my neck. I heard him unlock the door. He took my arm and led me Gay Gedemütigt Extrem Tumblr.
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