When you think of Cologne, you think of the CSD and a particularly colorful gay cruising Cologne scene, among other things. Interestingly, the city on the Rhine is also one of the places whose LGBTQ community can look back on a long history. Among others, there are places here, such as Pullermannswhich have been known for decades. Over time, they have become permanent institutions and popular places to go. But what is actually special about gay cruising Cologne? And why, among other things, the Pullermanns attracts so many men? Pullermanns is one of the cruising locations that have managed to survive or keep up with the various changes within the scene. Here - not only on the weekends - gay men of many different age groups meet. The scene pub for cruising and meeting people is not only known in Cologne, but also beyond the borders of the city. The audience is open and friendly. Not only gay but also bisexual men are welcome here. Whether BDSM or classic: everyone should get their money's worth at Pullermanns. Gay Cruising Cologne is open every day from 9 pm. Depending on the day of the Erste Mal Gay Street Need Money, visitors then have the opportunity to turn night into day until or in the morning. There is no classic "average audience" here. But perhaps it is precisely this aspect that is responsible for why the location is so special. Here you can be surprised every day and look forward to meeting the most diverse men. A wonderful proof that tolerance not only works inside and outside the scene, but also within the community! Whether you go partying afterwards or enjoy flirting or anonymous sex here late into the night is, of course, up to you. Not in the mood for "physical action"? No problem! In that case, just make yourself comfortable at the bar and let your eyes wander. Sometimes the need to join in comes all by itself. Due to the fact that many regular visitors come and go here, you will certainly meet familiar faces again and again when cruising at Pullermanns. Repeat OONS are not excluded. Come also times to the Gay Cruisen to Krefeld. Password forgotten. Randy clears up! Loading Map. Parkgürtel, Cologne. Jan-Wellem-Strasse 23, Cologne, Germany. Herkulesberg, Cologne. Gravel pit lake Gremberghoven, Cologne. Am Molenkopf, Cologne. Unnamed Road, Cologne. Gay Cruising Cologne When you think of Cologne, you think of the CSD and a particularly colorful gay cruising Cologne scene, among other things. Tradition since Pullermanns is one of the cruising locations that have managed to survive or keep up with the various changes within the scene. Cruising into the night Gay Cruising Cologne is open every day from 9 pm. What awaits you at the Gay Cruising in Cologne? The registration is free and obliges you to nothing! Choose your username Enter your valid email address here. Choose your password Enter your date of birth here Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month 1 2 3 4 5 Erste Mal Gay Street Need Money 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year Location Germany Austria Switzerland ZIP CODE Location I am 18 years or older and I accept the planet-randy. Log in Nickname Password Password forgotten.
They threatened to disclose our sexual orientation to our families. Robi: And this is very good, I learn a lot from Ernst, and it makes our partnership so wonderful because he helps me an in a way I help him also. The report adds that medical sterilisation can only be performed upon a written request from a person over the age of thirty-five or a person with at least two children, and in case of medical indications and informed consent of the person regardless of age and children. Es ist auch schwer für mich, einen neuen Job zu finden. Even then, the threats continued. In fact, she only had to pass formal procedure to get her gender marker changed in documents.
The visual catalog of gay and queer men around the world.
Im Rahmen der Konferenz erklärten die. April fand in Moskau eine Pressekonferenz zum Thema ‚Verfolgung von LGBT- Personen in Tschetschenien' statt. Christine gave us the best birthday present ever: Her friends and neighbours donated money for us. Als erstes ist Werner Deutsch zu nennen, der mich vor nun zwei Jahren dazu ermutigte, diese. Im April veranstalte die Forschungsgruppe Public Health in Kooperation mit der Alice-. Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin ein Symposium. „Am 3. That is really, really generous <3 We say. Begeistert war er von der Idee. Dissertation zu beginnen. Zusammenfassung.It was pretty exciting, until then I had not had any contact with other gays. Ohne Internet war meine erste Informationsquelle ein alter medizinischer Brockhaus, in dem Homosexualität noch als psychische Störung beschrieben wurde. In einer Fernsehshow wurde Jablozki geoutet, landesweit. Für seinen Vorschlag der Herzverbrennung bekam er Applaus im Studio. My coming out was therefore relatively unspectacular ……. When their documents failed to reflect their gender accurately, transgender persons often faced harassment by law enforcement officers and discrimination in accessing health care, education, housing, transportation, and employment. From then on it took its course. Allgemeine Informationen zur Lage von LGBT-Personen entnehmen Sie bitte auch dem folgenden Bericht mehrerer russischer NGOs vom August sowie einem Bericht des russischen LGBT-Netzwerks vom April People, who suffered persecution in the Chechen Republic, fled Russia fearing that the persecutions will continue. Change your mind! In May of this year, a court in Murmansk found the two men guilty of extortion with the use of violence and sentenced them to four years in prison. We exist! In December , U. They had fled far from home. It was all just in my head. Lage von LGBT-Personen tschetschenischer oder inguschetischer Herkunft. Robi: Yes, and I was dressing like it. In , Irina, a transgender woman from St. Im Ausland dagegen breitet sich der Skandal aus. Jablozki und seine Freunde gründeten ein Jahr später einen nationalen Sportverband für Lesben und Schwule, einen Schutzraum mit Training, Wettbewerben, Begegnungen. Februar Monitoring shows that transgender people encounter transphobia even at this stage when talking to specialists:. And why should I? Did I get any adverse reaction? Diese Hassverbrechen werden oft von Personen verübt, die aus jenen nationalistischen Anti-LGBT-Gruppen kommen, die — entstanden und sich über das ganze Land ausgebreitet haben. In ihrem Fall ging es allerdings problemlos — zunächst. In addition, Alexandra was forced to wear a school uniform designed for male students. What awaits you at the Gay Cruising in Cologne?