Lutheran viewpoints concerning homosexuality are diverse because there is no one worldwide body which represents all Lutherans. The Lutheran World Federationa worldwide 'communion of churches' and the largest global body of Lutherans, contains member churches on both sides of the issue. However, other Lutherans, including the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference and International Lutheran Councilcompletely reject homosexuality. Martin Lutherwho had spent time in Rome, [ 3 ] claimed that Pope Leo X had vetoed a measure that cardinals should restrict the number of boys they kept for their pleasure, "otherwise it would have been spread throughout the world how openly and shamelessly the pope and the cardinals in Rome practice sodomy" and encouraged Germans not to spend time fighting fellow countrymen in defense of the papacy. InStrommen, et al. They were members of the American Lutheran ChurchLutheran Church in Americaand Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Ina Social Statement on Sexuality was requested by the Churchwide Assembly and entrusted to a Task Force. In light of the ongoing work of that task force, the Churchwide Assembly passed a resolution asking bishops to exercise restraint in discipline of those congregations and pastors in violation of 'Vision and Expectations. Prior to Augustthe ELCA expected "ordained ministers who are homosexual in their self-understanding" to "abstain from homosexual sexual relationships". The ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis passed "Human Sexuality, Gift and Trust", [ 10 ] which approved more positive assessments of same-gender partnerships in the church. On 21 Augustthe same body passed four ministry policy resolutions that opened the way for congregations to recognize and support such partnerships and for those in committed same-gender partnerships to be rostered leaders within the ELCA. InGuy Erwinwho has lived in a gay partnership for 19 years, was installed in 28.02.2018party Gay Berlin as Bishop of the ELCA's Southwest California Synod, becoming the first openly gay person to serve as a Bishop in the ELCA. In July Churchwide Assembly of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada passed a new sexuality statement, permitting clergy in committed same-gender partnerships and allowing the blessing of same-sex unions. In many European Lutheran churches, open LGBT people can work as Lutheran pastors. In the United Kingdom, the Lutheran Church in Great Britain allows the ordination of LGBT people and permits same-sex marriage. In the yearthe Evangelical Church in Germany EKD passed the resolution Verantwortung und Verlässlichkeit stärkenin which same-gender partnerships are supported. The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren has permitted the blessing of same-sex unions since May The Church of Iceland allows same-sex marriage. Starting in Novemberthe church officiates same-sex marriageafter the Riksdag allowed same-sex marriage starting 1 May — however, individual priests can choose not to perform marriages for couples of the same gender. The Church of Denmark also provides for such blessings, as does the Church of Norwaywhich also ordains gays and lesbians. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is the largest Lutheran church in Europe that does not permit blessing of same-sex unions — despite ongoing controversy. As of October the Church of Finland allows priests to pray for same-sex couples: For registered partnerships, the church says that "the [same-sex] couple may organise prayers with 28.02.2018party Gay Berlin priest or other church workers and invited guests". The Evangelical Church of the River Platewhich includes Lutherans and Waldensians, and the United Lutheran Church have supported civil unions and same-sex marriages. Inthe church released a pastoral letter accepting the Supreme Court's decision to allow same-sex marriage in Brazil, and supported the families of same-sex couples. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get shortened URL Download QR code. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikidata item. Part of a series on Christianity and LGBTQ topics Overview articles. Christianity and 28.02.2018party Gay Berlin orientation Christianity and homosexuality Christianity and transgender people History of Christianity and homosexuality The Bible and homosexuality Hebrew Bible New Testament Queer theology LGBTQ-affirming Christian denominations Blessing of same-sex unions. Denominational positions. Anglican Communion Baptist Eastern Orthodox Latter-day Saints Lutheran Methodist Metropolitan Community Church Pentecostal Presbyterian Quaker Roman Catholic Seventh-day Adventist. LGBT Christian clergy. LGBTQ Christian clergy LGBTQ Roman Catholic clergy Gay bishops. Luther's view [ edit ]. 28.02.2018party Gay Berlin allowing homosexual relationships [ edit ]. In North America [ edit ].
ZDF-Hitparade rein. Tennis Mischa Zverev in Marseille im Achtelfinale. Die Themenvielfalt bei den queeren Panorama-Beiträgen ist natürlich noch breiter. Rückblick und Ausblick öffentliche Partys. Bob Young is happy to help with his weekly gay party set in a skyscraper.
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