Jonathan Bailey has always flatly refused to pose topless on a shoot. For British Voguehe relented. How come? No one suggested it, I just knew it was right. But why all the prudishness? It was quite the performance, I say. Has it been nominated for any awards? Any attempt on my part to observe him dispassionately disappears quickly. His dark-haired and unshaven beauty is too intoxicating, as is his style. Bailey has managed to achieve what was once thought impossible in Hollywood. Tragedy, comedy, singing, dancing, stage, big screen, small screen, fashion week, fan mobbings… he can do it all. Bailey, who, despite a tightly honed skill set, never attended drama school, has been acting since the age of seven, when he was scouted by the Royal Shakespeare Company to star in its production of A Christmas Carol at the Barbican Theatre. But it was in that he became swarmed-in-the-streets famous, following his performance as Lord Anthony Bridgerton the second season, in which his character, a viscount, took center stage, became the most-watched English language series on Netflix. Hollywood beckoned. True blockbuster fare. Theater, though, has been his foundation. A run of television hits he has starred on the small screen in W1ABramwellBroadchurchHeartstopperFellow TravelersBritisch Gay Boy Oic Leonardoamong others has been built from, and woven through with, a long career on stage—notable roles in the past decade, aside from Cockinclude CompanyKing LearThe York Realistand Othello. On balance, he loves the protection of being on stage—how immersive it feels, how he feeds off the reactions of an audience. And so, he is ready to Britisch Gay Boy Oic a return to live performance. It is his most high-profile Shakespearean role to date, his second with Hytner, who first cast him as Cassio in Othello at the National Theatre in With Richard III am returning not just to a play, but to a theater director. His imagination is vivid enough to put himself directly in the position of characters… It becomes completely natural in his hands. He laughs readily and expansively, gesticulating often, occasionally jumping up like a young Rudolf Nureyev about to leap, before crashing back down and curling his legs underneath him. That counts for so much in my book. So too is he eloquent and honest, especially when we veer to the more personal, such as what it was like growing up questioning his sexuality and how he only came out as gay to his family and close friends in his early 20s. Did he have a sense of his sexuality from a young age? He indicates it was more of a gradual realization, mentioning how he went out with a girl for two years in his early 20s. My experience of that relationship was not that I was in the shadows. She remains one of my best friends. He sounds like Billy Elliot. They were doing, like, first position, second position, and I knew I just wanted to be Britisch Gay Boy Oic there. Do you? He is keenly aware of the challenges that still exist, even in the everyday. We got heckled in London. But that kind of behavior is now outweighed by the smiles you get. We talk instead about how he deals with the nature of fame.
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